Education Administrators, Not Corporate Managers

In the event that the chief executive officer [of CPS] determines that a local school council is not carrying out its financial duties effectively, the chief executive officer is authorized to appoint a representative of the business community with experience in finance and management to serve as an advisor…

— From Illinois State Law (105 ILCS 5/34-2.1):

To me, this is worthy of debate.  While I originally take umbrage with the appointed School Board undermining an elected Local School Council,  I argue that at the least, the above statutory language should read,

the chief executive officer is authorized to appoint a representative of the education community with experience in teaching and administration at an attendance center within the school district to serve as an advisor….

To me, this just makes sense, but I look forward to the discussion.

I’m in.

Dear Neighbors,

I am filing candidacy forms to run for Community Representative of the Local School Council of Walt Disney Magnet School, a selective enrollment elementary school in our area.

Disney is not our Neighborhood School– but we are all Disney’s neighborhood.

Disney Magnet is an amazing institution and community member.  Let’s make progress in community-strengthening efforts, like with public safety and beautification activities.  By working together, we can build partnerships that will keep our community area safe and vibrant.

I know: one person cannot make a school better, a street safer, or a park more pleasant.

But a group of people working together can.

It is easy to think we can not achieve what we set out to do.

But we do not need to change the world.  

We only need to change our minds.

Thank you, and I look forward, 



Download the flyers!

1.Dan Kleinman for Disney Magnet Candidate Statement Form 4-18.pages.pdf

Attend your next Local School Council Meeting!

Dear Neighbors:

I will be attending an upcoming Local School Council meeting at Walt Disney Magnet next Tuesday at 5:30 PM.

I was incredibly impressed by Disney’s LSC ever since I first reached out and was invited to attend a meeting.  I had the pleasure of being in the public audience to learn of the school’s progress report.

It would be great to see you there next week!  Send me a message and we can coordinate:

And if you cannot join me, check out the upcoming LSC meeting at your nearby school or where your students attend, too!

Thanks, and Looking Forward,


Say you would Stand with Dan! Every School is our Neighborhood School!

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